Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dodge Grand Caravan Fit Queen Mattress

The beginning of the end (twilightisticamente speaking)

When I think gives me grief ...
this week completed the recordings of Breaking Dawn, began to dismantle the sets, the actors returned to take a well deserved holiday or starting new projects.

For us it is the end of a stage not transcendental in life, not that I join the peacekeeping force or a pro league animal rights, but it ... wn! let's face it ... 3 years (in my case) 4 and some few others that Edward Cullen was a participant in your conversation.

2008: Vampires?, No thanks.

still remember ... December 2007, when the @ __barbarella__ he said. Alee!, There is a movie I want to see!, And I said NEVAH! you know those things I do not like!
More above!, I remember that afternoon in January 2008 when we went to the SCD Plaza Vespucio to see a gig of Fran Valenzuela, had a giant (the image from left) hanging from cinemark, and she I said, this is the movie! and me with a disgusted look at film and say, think I told you not see it. As I thought, who was that asshole (long after our beloved Lacarelaucha) and wave .... more fotoshopiado the ??!?!?! porfa wn

So, somehow, a couple of weeks later I was at the Cinemark at the Plaza El Trebol in Concepcion, with friends and @ @ Sari_Chile Catuacosta, was in the waiting line to get to see Twilight ". I swear by Gaston Copito that NEVER made the crossing with the two movies.

There I was, sitting in the center of the theater with my bag of popcorn and a drink watching the movie ... until I saw it ...

"That's Edward Cullen. He's totally gorgeous, Obviously. But Apparently, nobody here's good enough for him. Like I care."

I will not tell you that the Sari that afternoon I borrowed the book and read it fully back up and almost dragged sgte nuevaente the mall to go shopping for New moon (not to mention that we saw the movie a " couple of times) and when I came to stgo, particular to the first library Antarctica closest to my home, and bought Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, buy supplies for a week and locked myself in the quiet of my home a week ( yeah, I was on vacation) to finish reading the book, need to know that PASS!

seas I suffered with New Moon, but did not enter any forum espoilerarme is more, I think that term was quite alien to me at that time (not to mention LOST, of course was a fan of the series to least the first 2 seasons). What if I had wanted to board the Sari ... it was light when I said Quiet, Edward appears volterra and I \u0026lt;3

The rest is history right?

2009: New Moon, twitter and mud caramels Robert

I missed recordings Twilight, by which technically did not know existed, but after all my excitement with the film in January of that year, happily followed step by step recording New Moon.

As baba not remember the day of filming in Montepulciano? May if I remember more, I was in college and I had to leave classes to review all the links that filled my TL
on twitter, that day I began to love the paparazzi.
had hundreds of pictures! frames per second!, Ms Pattinson, Robsessed, lionandlamb and I do not remember how many more sources collapsed, fell twitter, no one worked, but I did not go to school, I stayed in the library of the U Bolsi internet! was the shit.

Robert had so many pictures of pulling the shirt up
could make a gif and use it on msn.

the ComiCon in San Diego a couple of months after , there I met my best friend and Socialite life Cellebuz who tuitio the second everything you did or said Robert and supplemented the information with some pictures uploaded from their iphones or blackberrys.

finished New Moon and began recording for Remember Me, was born Palito coffee, at that time I met @ Danyspike and several forums including CC information.

TL A little girl of my invited me to "Twilight Chile", I was all cool to write a thread, and I do not remember that era, and a little girl made me seal moderator Bridget pendejas wnas, knew I came back to the topic forums, one who started with Virtualia chichicha, not coming to an asshole matched cars do not stop him? (And I do not remember why). So that was my involvement as mentioned in website. Who wants a forum when you have a # stick?

2010: Eclipse, earthquake and you

February earthquake, I worry about the amiwis in Santiago and regions, and retuits mentions the @ daniellitta appears on my list of followers. With the experience of last year, a requirement of my followers was: Do not be Robsten or regular at CC. So with that background is super few people to whom you return the follow on twitter.

The Daniela was not the case, she came out of that forum and had no feeling with Kristen, so I ... nueeeva best friend, come here pa.

Through her I met Paloma Negra, the Coyiduck Romina and my love. With time and twitter were many more that were added.

Our meetings were more laughter, laughter with tears! ( girls, Alto Las Condes ) and every time we saw what happened Also, some of our inside jokes were so epic that in a conversation after seeing "Eclipse" at Hoyts de la Reina we decided to create the @ palitodecafe as a blog, basically to laugh, as usual, and no, if we had the means to inform anyone who wants "unconditional", which brought us to the Tatox, to Nikki, Pam Rivers and several more, with our own PalitoCon, which have always been a success.
November, the start of the recordings of BD, Roberto's visit to Latin America!, days in Paraty, gosh, so many memories

2011, top-end

No more.

recordings were completed, Dawn, as we have wanted to have spoilers to the movie, but there is no more, no more sets, but no locations, no more Gossips.

Yes, I know a movie is more for next year, personally, I think a bad move by the Summit, the film should be released in July but is not that we speak now ...

Do you, as you can summarize these 4 years?


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