The project Butiá born in the Faculty of Engineering UDELAR (Uruguay) (are MINA group involved Computing Institute, the Department of Mechanical Design Institute of Mechanical and Industrial Production and Education Unit). They also support the project ANEP - CODICEN and National Agency for Research and Innovation (ANII) .
The aim is to incorporate low-cost robotic systems in all public high schools in the country.
developed a simple and economical platform that allows public high school students in coordination with teachers and inspectors of secondary education, internalized by programming the robots behavior.
The platform design is done in such a way so that you can use an XO (or netbook) as it fits perfectly.
The robot can be controlled using different programming languages, but can also be used Turtle activity of XO. Of course it is a modified version of this activity, which have added a new palette where the different blocks that are needed for its control (sensors, speed, etc).
Here is a picture of the platform:
Here we see the robot in action running a simple application "line follower" held in Turtle, as you can see on the screen of the XO. In this example, the sensor is being used "Grayscale" to control the robot does not get out of the black line.