Thursday, November 5, 2009

Futon For Small Doorways

Saving a web page on the XO

share with you another how to save a web page on the XO without converting it to pdf.

(Source of information )

The XO has a lower form of text pages with photos and find out that we explained in two steps.

1) Go to the terminal icon and we click, when you open a folder created that identifies the page you want to get off, as "... with the command mkdir

rap (rap folder I did because I want the entire page ceibal rap) rap cd

(enter to the folder you created)

2) wget-p (with this command we are running the program that lowers the entire page)
then we add the full address list, it is so.


To display this page, open the browser, where we mark the addresses you type "/ /" + enter and it shows all the folders we have in the XO, with left-click the folder we created, "home / olpc / rap" double click the file you downloaded and ready.

can also download a file and save it in that we are positioned or created, such as wget

address selection, copy and paste in terminal, it is very easy task, luck

wget-p to download page http://www
wget, / fichero.pdf to download a file


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