Saturday, October 31, 2009

Rotator Cuff Takes Forever To Heal

Activity Books Get Internet Archive: accessing more free books

Activity Books Get Internet Archive is an advanced search interface of the Internet Archive site that will search and download books in the Journal. Download

Internet Archive is a website that contains about one million books scanned electronic, that are no longer protected by copyright. The books are in PDF format and DJVU, and this activity will search for files by author and title and download the books you find.

When selecting a book in the results table can be seen throughout the information stored the file for that title, as editor, description, language, and more.

This activity will only download the books. To read them, use the Read activity. In Uruguay currently have installed Sugar XO 0.82, thus lowering the PDF files, because the activity does not support read DJVU format.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Funny Things To Write On A Cd

activity Watch Me to share a view of the screen of your XO with other users, that is, in short, others see in your xo what you do in yours ! Download

is easy
to use, I tell you the steps to follow:
First of all, a small detail ... activity must be installed on machine that will share at which to see.

1. Run the business .. this screen ..

This message in English means:
"if you want people to see everything on your screen, you are invited to this activity"

2. Share the activity with the neighborhood: change where it says Private around my neighborhood, as he always does.

3. In another XO, neighborhood activity appears. (XO I used to share is green, as you can see)

4. XO In this activity I join

message appears to wait a moment "Please wait while connecting to the shared session"

and ready! XO in this and see what is done in the other xo. As you can tell, the XO's color is green, so that screen is not that of the XO but on the other.

I hope they can!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Cool Things To Write On Cds

Activity Activity Watch Me Read Etexts: free books for all

Read Etexts activity activity is similar to Read, but instead to read PDF files, works with plain text files created by the Project Gutenberg .

This activity allows read tens of thousands of great books in several languages \u200b\u200bfor free. Because the plain text format is so simple to create, can also be used to read files created by oneself as class handouts, etc. Download

I show how it works. We look for example the book "Platero y yo" by Juan Ramón Jiménez

In the search bar you can type the title or part of it, as well as the author's name you want.

Below is a list of books that match what you want to search (in this case there is only one but may be several).

We click on the line of the book and then the button that is next to the search bar (a down arrow) to decrease.
After a prompt appears:

The Journal is a new entry (see the row marked in red) to access the book.

I hope they can!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

How Do You Catch Pityriasis Rosea

Practice using the money to one hundredth

GCompris activity Cents Money is the same style as Money GCompris activity, but this includes the use of hundredths. Download

activity is very simple and basic.
works the same way as the other, or will be showing different objects with given value, and must choose the combination of coins needed to buy it.

coins are available for $ 5, $ 2, $ 1, $ 0.10, $ 0.20, $ 0.50

exercise is corrected using the little hand icon.

The only drawback I see is that the drawings of the coins are not very clear, it is difficult to display its value.